Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tolanibaj blocks friend and co-star, Avala as she labels her as an “enemy”

Tolanibaj, a reality TV personality, has decided to block Avala, another reality TV star from BBN season 4, after Avala referred to her as an enemy.

Tolanibaj and Avala were once close friends, but it appears that their friendship has taken a turn for the worse.

Fans were surprised this morning when Avala took to Twitter to publicly call out her former friend.

The exact cause of their falling out is unclear, but it is evident that Tolanibaj has chosen to end their friendship by blocking Avala on social media.

Avala tweeted, “Somebody tell this bxtch she made an enemy out of me!!!!!!!! 🤬
@tolanibaj. I’m tired of the internet giving me false narratives thinking I’m sweet or calm! Or People think they know me after one week on a show! I’m emotional cause I’m passionate! But I’m not the one! It takes alot to piss me off, so don’t f’n try me!!”

Tolanibaj responded tweeted below;

“I’ve made a few calls to get clarity on what the matter is because we were just at a function last night. I’ve been informed that you were expecting your song to be played during my DJ set last night but I was unaware. There was no proper communication from the promoter whatsoever that I needed to infuse your performance into my dj set at all.

“My set last night was supposed to be for an hour but got cut to 30 mins and ended abruptly for the next DJ to play. (I wasn’t happy about this) Yes, you informed me that you were performing and I was super excited for you. A song that I love and supported you by pushing it on all my platforms? Come on girl. How was I expected to know the plans if nothing was communicated to me?

“I’m so disappointed to be very honest because what you may have assumed is completely false. We could’ve clarified immediately with a call or text but there was no grace extended to hear my side of the story.”

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