Sufiyanu took to her Twitter handle to claim that she was abducted alongside 16 other persons. Last week the police released a statement debunking her claim of kidnap, and also informed the public that she had been found.
On Monday, June 20, Ameerah took to her Twitter handle to apologize to the general public, the police, friends, and family for raising a false alarm.
She said she was never abducted as she had claimed claimed but left her home, went into the bush where she intentionally starved herself, and was dehydrated.
“Good day all, I would like to formally apologise to the general public, to the whole police department, and my friends and family for misleading them with the below tweet. Nothing of such happened and it was all just my delusions and negative thinking.
“I intentionally took myself out of our house, went to these locations, entered bushes and dehydrated and starved myself for four days just like that; there was no kidnapping, nothing at all. I truly apologise and please pray for me, I need it.”she tweeted
The FCT police command says Ameerah is in police custody as an investigation is ongoing.
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