Wednesday, July 31, 2019

NBA star, Steph Curry and wife celebrate their 8th wedding Anniversary

NBA star, Steph Curry, 31, and wife Ayesha Curry 30, are celebrating their 8th wedding Anniversary today..

His wife and mother of his three children, Riley, Canon and Ryan Curry, took to her Instagram page to pen him a sweet note in celebration of their wedding anniversary.

Sharing a lovely photo of them, she wrote: 'My baby, my love, my life. What can I say. This is us 8 years married in, loving each other for 11 and we somehow still find reasons and things that we love about each other every day. Each day with you is the ultimate blessing. Getting to do life with you is an infinite sea of bliss. Through our ups and downs we only become stronger and that is the ultimate key. When the trauma becomes the triumph you win! I love you for ever and always constantly giving the ultimate glory to God. Here’s to 8!.'

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