Thursday, March 31, 2016

5 Natural Face Scrubs For Oily Skin

Scrubbing is very important to get rid of dead, flaky skin and one should religiously follow it once a week to get smooth skin. People with oily skin suffer from acne, whiteheads and blackheads quite often so scrubbing become more essential.

The accumulation of dead cells and oil in the pores leads to the development of pimples, acne and associated problems.

Oily skin is better than that of excessive dryness as the oil can retain maximum moisture which in turn makes the skin glowing but excessive oily skin also has variety of troubles.

Here are some 5 simple homemade scrubs to reduce excessive oil from the skin without affecting the natural oil.

1. Oat face scrub:
Grind a cup of oats to get the powder, add two table spoons of oat powder with sufficient amount of water and rub it on your face for five to six minutes. A regular practice will help to get the glowing face. Oats helps in the reduction of extra oil from the skin there by the skin becomes clean and oil free.

2. Lemon and sea salt face scrub:
This scrub is yet another good one for oily skin. It reduces the oil and gives your face a new glow. Take two table spoons of tea salt in a bowl and add it half table spoon of lemon juice and one egg white. Mix all the ingredients well and use it as your normal scrub, rub the mixture on your face for few minutes and then rinse off with the luke warm water. Lemon extract helps to lighten the tone, acne and other spots on the skin, sea salt removes the germs and egg white promotes to tighten the skin.

3. Almonds and honey face scrub:
Take a handful of almonds and grind them, take 2 teaspoon of honey and mix it with the almond powder and store it. Apply on the face. This scrub for oily skin is very effective as almonds are very good lightening agents that help reduces blemishes and honey is a very good skin smoothening agent.

4. Cucumber face scrub:
Cucumber is also a wonderful natural ingredient that helps in making your face clear and makes your face smooth. In order to make a cucumber scrub, you need to take a single cucumber and mash it. This must be done after peeling the skin. Once the pulp is prepared, the next step will be to apply it over your face. You need to apply hands and finger tips over your face and all must be done in a circular direction. Once it is applied and kept for sometime your skin will appear to be clear and really attractive.

5. Orange and Sugar Scrub:
Oily skin can look dull due to the excessive oil on skin but you can get rid of the dullness using this easy homemade sugar and orange scrub. Take 3-4 tablespoon of orange juice in a bowl and mix 1 tablespoon of sugar into it, you can also add one tablespoon of honey into it. Then scrub the face and neck using this homemade scrub gently for about 4-5 minutes. This scrub will not only exfoliate dead skin from your face but it will also remove excess oil and will make your face glow when used every week.

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