Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Comedian Alibaba slams man who complained about his wife not washing his clothes

Alibaba, the Nigerian comedian and actor, criticized a man who complained about his wife’s refusal to do his laundry.

The comedian posted a screenshot of a message from a man named Chinedu expressing his frustration over his wife’s unwillingness to wash his clothes, despite the fact that he had married her with his own hard-earned money.

His words: “Am in pains right now. A woman I married with my hard earned money has refused to wash my clothes and she knows how busy I am.”

In response, Alibaba advised him to purchase a washing and drying machine and hire two housemaids, suggesting that he isn’t as busy as he claims.

He wrote: “You would have kuku jejely buy washing and drying machine, then employed 2 house help. You never busy reach.”

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