Friday, December 13, 2019

Danish aid worker rescues another Nigerian child left to die by his family

Humanitarian and Danish aid worker, Anja Ringgren Loven, has rescued another Nigerian child left to die by his family.

She shared photos of herself and her Nigerian husband, David Umem, rescuing the malnourished little boy pictured above who was abandoned by his family.

Anja gained popularity in 2016 after she rescued a severely emaciated 2-year-old boy, who was branded a witch by his family and left to starve to death in Akwa Ibom state. She gained international popularity when pictures of her feeding the starved boy was shared online. She named the boy, “Hope” which she tattooed to her wrists, with an affirmation that there are enough hope and love for all humanity.

No other organization has previously targeted their action against the witch children before Anja Ringgren Lovén took the matter in her own hands and started her non-profit organization. She has made sure that every donation received goes to what they are supposed to: save and help Nigeria’s witch children.

In 2016, Anja Ringgren Lovén was voted the Most Inspiring Person of the Year by German publication “Ooom” in recognition of her distinguished efforts to rescue and rehabilitate Nigerian children accused of being witches

And now this? God bless her! Nigerians won't see this and give her awards atleast, na to dey give celebrities undeserving YEYE awards.

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