Topic: Don’t be a lone Ranger (Open Heaven 29 April 2019)
Memorise: “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.”- Ecclesiastes 4:9
Read: Mark 3:13-19 (KJV)
13 And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him.
14 And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach,
15 And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils:
16 And Simon he surnamed Peter;
17 And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder:
18 And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Canaanite,
19 And Judas Iscariot, which also betrayed him: and they went into an house.
Bible in One Year: Genesis 38-39, Jeremiah 27:1-15
In Genesis 1:27, soon after God created man, He gave a precise description of him as a unique being created in the image of God, with the male and female species embodied in a single entity named Adam. Genesis 2:20 further reveals that after God had searched for a suitable partner for Adam without success, He went ahead to perform an operation on him which produced the woman, whom Adam named Eve.
When Adam saw Eve, He immediately recognized her as being the perfect complement to himself. This is why he referred to her as the “bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23).
It is therefore obvious that from the beginning of creation, God had carefully coded companionship and fellowship into the human DNA. Reading through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, coupled with our day to day experiences, we are left with no doubt that God actually created human beings for companionship and fellowship.
This is especially true of those who have become a part of God’s family through adoption.
Fellowship is a common enterprise or association based on shared values. Speaking on the nature of our fellowship as children of God, the Holy Spirit says in 1 john 1:7:
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”
As children of God, the basis of our fellowship with one another is our fellowship with God, our shared access to the blessings of the gospel, and our common mission and objectives.
The fellowship is demonstrated through our concern for one another and our practical commitment to the body of Christ. Furthermore, God’s people are called to work together, especially in the task of evangelism and missions. We are also called to recognize one another’s gifts and to support one another’s ministries. God’s ultimate purpose is to bring the whole of creation together and reconcile us to Himself.
This desire for unity reflects the unity that exists within the Godhead, and it is expressed in the institution of marriage, which God established, and demonstrated in the oneness of the Church of Jesus Christ. God’s desire for fellowship with humanity is made known through His continuous call to all who are willing to come to Him and become His own.
If the Self-Sufficient One desires fellowship, it is therefore strange to find a human being who thrives as a lone ranger, because this is contrary to God’s overall purpose.
Today’s memory verse says two are better than one. Any attempt to operate alone therefore leads to isolation, loneliness, low productivity, lack of assistance, limited ideas and poor results. In conclusion, it is practically impossible to fulfil God’s purpose as a lone ranger. Therefore, appreciate God for you companions and the fellowship you have with others.
Prayer Point:Father, help me to have productive fellowships with the companions You have blessed me with, in Jesus’ Name.
Open Heaven 29 April 2019 Monday Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries.
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