Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Twitter user blast Piers Morgan after he criticised Daniel Craig for carrying his Child

Hundreds of fathers on Twitter are sharing photos of themselves carrying their babies after opinionated media personality Piers Morgan made fun of Daniel Craig and said he has been "emasculated" for carrying his child.

In the photo which Piers shared to mock Daniel Craig, the James Bond actor is seen carrying his child with a baby carrier while he took a walk. But Piers felt it was not manly for a man to carry a child and he called him out, writing:

Oh 007.. not you as well?!!! #papoose #emasculatedBond
In reaction, fathers shared photos of themselves carrying their children and told Piers Morgan that if carrying their kids meant being emasculated then they do not mind being lesser men.

Captain America actor, Chris Evas said in reply to Morgan:

You really have to be so uncertain of your own masculinity to concern yourself with how another man carries his child. Any man who wastes time quantifying masculinity is terrified on the inside.
Other fathers also joined to bash Morgan as they shared photos of them carrying their babies to celebrate fatherhood.

"I love carrying my kids. If @piersmorgan is the arbiter of being a man, then I'll gladly not be one." Paul Stevenson tweeted.

David Sharp wrote: "Here here Paul. Why can’t a strong male role model be one of a Dad who enjoys looking after his child."

See some of the tweets below.

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