Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Dencia shares her ‘Breast Lump Removal Story’

Pop singer and Whitenicious CEO,Dencia has opened up on how she found a lump in her right breast at the age of 12.

She revealed she was lucky to undergo a breadt lump removal surgery almost immidieatly.

She wrote

When I was 12 going on 13, I was seating in my dorm room in Cpc Bali (Cameroon) when an older girl who was abt 18 “Belinda”was discussing her breast lump removal surgery,My skinny ass had big boobies & as I heard the story, I immediately touched my breasts & realized my right breast had something extra in it,i went to the nurse who sent me home immediately.

I’m lucky to be raised by a grandma who was very hands on with my health, things went so fast & I was ready for surgery with Dr Ashu in Yaounde, Cameroon.

When the surgery was done it was risky cuz two drs operated on me at the same time Nose,throat & boobies😭😭

The next thing was testing the lump for cancerous cells, Yop my first time hearing abt cancer, I remember taking the big ass lump 2 the lab & it was tested, thank God it was just a big ass lump.

I write this cuz a lot of young girls like me in boarding schools away from their parents need older girls like Belinda to tell their story so young girls like me can learn & action is taken fast.A lot of girls don’t get lucky, some end up with cancerous lump which can turn into CANCER. U are never too young & never too old, let’s be our sister’s keeper, I was just a curious young girl, a lot of girls aren’t that curious.

P.S I ended up with a keloid scar for many years & I noticed last night it was completely gone, u can’t even tell I had this surgery which is super crazy, I was treating it will stretch mark cream from whitenicious & lightening it & it’s completely gone which is rare. Thank God

This was a random picture that inspired me to tell this story,wasn’t taken with the purpose for this.

Had my first mammogram & wasn’t even 30😤

#Scar #Breastawareness #BreastCancerAwareness #Lumps #TouchYourBreast #Breastcancerawarenessmonth

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