Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Woman arrested for killing pregnant lady and removing her unborn baby

A woman has been arrested on suspicion of murdering a pregnant mum-to-be and stealing her unborn baby to cover up her own miscarriage. Cinthia Fatima N. is accused of luring 20-year-old Jessica Gabriela N. to her home before strangling her to death and cutting her unborn child from her womb.

The suspect and her husband, Omar Erique N., were arrested in the city of Tampico, in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, after the young woman’s body was reportedly found at their home.

The victim is believed to have met Cinthia on social media, after the alleged killer offered to give Jessica some baby clothes.

The young mum-to-be arranged to meet Cinthia – but her family raised the alarm when she did not return after a few hours.

Jessica’s body was allegedly found decomposing at Cinthia’s family home days later with reports suggesting the victim had been strangled to death.
Authorities were alerted after a woman, claiming to be Cinthia’s sister, turned up at a hospital with a dead baby.

The woman reportedly told doctors that her sister had given birth to a stillborn baby at home.

However, local media reports that Cinthia had lost her own child months earlier but had not told her husband.

She is then believed to have contacted several pregnant women on social media with the intention of killing them and stealing their unborn babies.

Cinthia allegedly hoped that, by taking the unborn child to doctors and claiming she had suffered a miscarriage, she would convince her husband she had not lost her own child months earlier.

Prosecutors from the General Attorney’s office have opened an investigation into the shocking case but are yet to make a statement to the press.
According to at least one report, the suspect’s husband has also been arrested.

Reports suggest Cinthia lived with her three children while her husband usually worked away from the family home.

The circumstances of how the suspect allegedly removed the unborn baby from its dead mother remain unclear.

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