Friday, March 30, 2018

Millionaire jailed for attacking husband with a knife for cheating with her friend

A millionaire hedge fund trader who attacked her husband with a seven inch knife after finding out he was having an affair with her horse-riding friend has been jailed for 15 months.

Nasreen Knight had days earlier rammed her husband Julian Knight’s Land Rover with her Nissan when she discovered the pair had spent the night together.

Daily Mail reports that,Lincoln Crown Court heard Knight lunged at her husband and smashed his glasses before later attacking him in the laundry room of their farmhouse.

Knight, a mother-of-four who previously had an affair herself, punched Ms Hillyer and pulled her hair before she was arrested.
She was bailed on condition that she did not return to the house.
The scorned wife then turned up eight days after the bust-up and demanded her retired husband drop the charges so she could secure a job with Bloomberg.

Knight had been involved in a road collision and her husbands had seen her staggering towards the property clutching a bottle of vodka.

Mr Knight allowed her inside due to her facial injuries.
Judge Simon Hirst sentenced Nasreen for 15 months due to the level of violence and use of the knife.
He told her:

You are a highly educated woman. You speak five languages and you were a hedge fund trader in London.
‘These offences occurred at a very difficult time during the break down of your marriage. There was a degree of goading.
‘I’m afraid the level of violence, the use of a weapon and the persistent nature of the offending on two separate days means this is so serious that there must be an immediate custodial sentence.’

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