Thursday, February 1, 2018

Satanists Adopt Highway, Clean It With Pitchforks And Brand It ‘Road To Hell’

Satanists have outraged Christians by adopting a highway, cleaning it with pitchforks – and nicknaming it ‘the Road to Hell.’ The Satanic Temple of Arizona announced their plans to look after the sun-drenched stretch of the I-10 between Tuscon and Phoenix Monday.

And they wasted no time in posting photos of their efforts. Members of the group cleaned litter off the highway with devilish pitchforks – and even arranged them into the shape of a Satanic star on the road.

Chapter founder Stu de Haan told NBC 4: ‘People have this perception that one side does the good stuff and the other side does all the bad stuff.

‘What we are really showing here is that Satanism is a legitimate religion, even though it’s non-theistic. ‘We are showing the people do have a sense of community and they want to get involved.’

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