Friday, February 23, 2018

Meet The Young Woman Who Has A Beard Like A Full Grown Man (Photos)

26-year-old Nova Galaxia has got polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which has resulted in excess facial hair growth.

For many years, Nova has shaved her face – but after finding love with a model called Ash, she’s found the confidence to grow a ‘hipster beard’.

‘A boy in my class at high school pointed at my face and said I had a better beard than he probably ever would,’ Nova recalls.

‘By this stage, I was shaving every single day before school. It was getting really thick and I would have a panic if I ever forgot my razor at sleepovers.

‘I’d get up early and shave, pretending I was desperate for a shower, but really I couldn’t stand to let myself be seen with a beard.’

Nova used to shave her beards every morning before school

She says apart from her then long-term girlfriend, very few people knew about her ‘dark secret’.

‘I was worried people would think I was a freak if I let my hair grow out.’

But Nova’s life changed after finding the courage to ask model Ash, who does not identify as male or female, out on a date in 2012.

Nova says: ‘I saw Ash on the runway and I thought “how cute”. We got talking and I realised this gorgeous model and me had me had a lot in common’.

The young lady has now accepted her body the way it is

The rest, they say, is history.

Nova has gradually become more and more confident in talking about her condition and in October last year, she finally threw away her razor. Although scary at first, she says she now loves her beard – which is shampooed and conditioned every day to keep it in tip-top condition.

Despite some negative reactions, Nova says she receives loads of positive comments about her beard, not least from Ash.

‘I love her beard,’ Ash says.

‘Yes people do stop and stare at us, watch us walk down the street and ask Nova random questions to determine her gender, but she’s never been happier and that makes me proud. I adore her, beard and all.’

Most of the trolling Nova endures seems to centre around her gender, with people finding it hard to see her as a woman and not a trans person.

‘People have accused me of pretending to be a woman, or they think I’m transgender, but I don’t care. It’s not an insult to be trans, I’m just not – I’m a gay woman.

‘Anyway, with my hipster beard, I feel happier now than I have ever been. I am with someone I love, who supports my decision and loves me for me and my beard.

‘I have no idea when I am going to stop growing it. It’s a part of me now, and I love it.’

Metro UK

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