Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Health Talk :5 Ways Drinking Warm Water Helps Your Body System

Most people start their mornings with a fresh, cup of coffee or tea to warm their bodies after getting out of bed however when it comes to water, they usually prefer to grab a cold one which is wrong.

Drinking warm water regularly especially in the morning can help heal your body by providing digestive power and reducing metabolic waste that could have built up in your immune system.

For weight loss: “Drinking warm water regularly has been linked to weight loss apart from also cleansing the whole system, to be more effective, lemon or honey can be added to it”.

For Constipation: “Drinking warm water in the morning on an empty stomach helps bowel movement, aids smooth digestion which helps eliminate bloating and constipation”.
To detox and improve digestion: “Drinking warm water every day helps improve digestion. Studies reveal warm water helps break down food easily in the stomach and reasonably help digestion by stimulating the organs”.

Relieve the symptoms of cough and cold: “An effective natural way to get rid of a cough, cold and sore throat is by drinking warm water, it acts by clearing phlegm and providing instant relief from respiratory ailments, especially productive cough, you can also combat nasal congestion by drinking warm water or through steam inhalation”.

Protects against skin infections: “Apart from rejuvenating skin cells, daily consumption of warm water detoxifies your skin, thereby lowering your risk of skin-related ailments, warm water helps unclog your pores and flushes out the toxins present in the skin. Additionally, it also acts as a natural moisturiser for dry and parched skin”.

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