Friday, March 31, 2017

Amazing Traditional Hairstyles You Should Try Out

Every woman’s hair is her glory and the way she styles it says a lot about her, a woman’s hair makes her look good and that is why most women go to the salon and spend hours trying to beautify themselves to the annoyance of men. In the olden days, we have different hairstyles that made out mothers look gorgeous before our father, hairstyles like Patewo, shuku, kolese (All back), Fulani, Threading and much more.

Civilisation has made most women forget these hairstyles that made our mothers beautiful before our fathers and that is why artificial attachment, weavon and lot more are the raves of the day. Today, I will be taking us back to those hairstyles that made our mothers, queens before our fathers. Here are some of those hairstyles that rocked the olden days.